Saturday 23rd May

We took our time getting going as the weather was wet and windy but we soon realised it wasn't going to improve and we had a ferry to catch so on went the waterproofs and we set off.

The lovely hostel we were all so sorry to see the back of . . . . . not !

As we were going along a narrow road across some moors the rain was heavy and the wind was in our faces and I looked up to see a big, black Volvo heading towards me. I tried to swerve out of its way but caught my arm on the wing mirror and hit the deck. I took the skin off my elbow but nothing major and the bike survived too. After a few choice words in both directions I carried on and we eventually made it to the ferry at which point the weather brightened up. When we reached the other side the rain came back and we headed for a cafe to dry off a bit and discuss our options. We were in no hurry to get anywhere so we decided to stay at a hostel in Leverburgh which we had been assured was a good one and we were not disappointed.

Leverburgh Bunkhouse

Inside the Bunkhouse

The owner Rauri had built the hostel from scratch with a nautical theme - a rowing boat hanging from the ceiling and cabin beds in one of the bedrooms. There was also a woodburner and decent showers, but no bath of course. Rauri's father popped in for a chat in the afternoon and gave us the full history of the area which was interesting.

Jilly gets a history lesson !

Hmm . . .sausage casserole !

In the evening Fred and I headed off to the pub for fish and chips while Lucy cooked her sausage casserole for the others. A pretty good live band were playing in the bar in the evening, not exactly traditional Scottish music but still good to listen to.